mardi 24 mai 2011

Rar Recovery Toolbox V.

Recovery Toolbox for RAR is used to recover information from corrupted archives of the RAR format. You can use it to completely avoid or at least minimize losses of compressed data. The RAR recovery tool works in the following way: first, it completely scans and analyzes the corrupted archive, extract all information it can extract from it, after that the final list of files and folders appears on the screen. You can view this list and select only those objects you need to save.

At the same time, the RAR recovery program may recover some files incorrectly or it may fail to recover some files at all. It depends on how badly the archive is corrupted. Extracted files and folders are saved to the specified location, after which they are available for use. It is also important that the source archive remains unchanged and is not modified in any way, the RAR recover program only reads data from it.

RAR Program Recovery :
Recovery Toolbox for RAR has quite a wide range of features. It supports all currently existing variants of the RAR compression format, files created with archiving software versions 1.x, 2.x, 3.x with different compression rates. Besides, Recovery Toolbox for RAR has the following features:
  • Recovering information from corrupted password-protected archives of the RAR format (customer should type in the password manually)
  • Recovering information from corrupted files of the RAR format larger than 4 GB
  • Recovering information from archives of the RAR format stored on corrupted media (floppy disks, CDs, DVDs, Zip drives, etc.)
  • Recovering information from corrupted archives of the RAR format via the local area network
One of the main things Recovery Toolbox for RAR differs from other software in is that it is extremely easy to use. The interface of the RAR recover tool is implemented as a step-by-step wizard. You have to perform only one operation in each step of this wizard. To recover information from a corrupted RAR archive, the file recovery .rar tool it is enough to make literally several mouse clicks altogether. Thus, any computer users can use Recovery Toolbox for RAR, including those who have just started working with a PC.

Currently, RAR is one of the most popular formats used to compress any data: documents, audio, video, etc. Archives are usually used in two cases: to store information that is not needed so far and to transfer information via open communications channels. In both cases there is a risk of corrupting the compressed file. After that it will be impossible to open it and, therefore, extract information from it.

There may be various reasons why an archive becomes corrupted. If the compressed file is stored on the hard drive, the problem may be caused by failures in the operating system or software, hardware failures, power failures, etc. However, an archive is most likely to be corrupted when you carry it on removable media (CDs and DVDs, floppy disks, ZIP drives, etc.), download it from the Internet or transfer it via e-mail. In these cases, the risk of getting an incorrect compressed file is relatively large.

Warning: Recovery Toolbox for RAR is a shareware tool. It means that you can download it and try its features regarding data recovery from corrupted files before purchasing it. The trial version has some limitations. You can use it to view the list of files from the corrupted RAR archive, but you cannot save them to the hard drive. Thus, you can first make sure that Recovery Toolbox for RAR works well and purchase it for the complete use only after that.

Recovery ToolBox for RAR is commercial software. Unregistered users cannot save data to the disk.

Recovery ToolBox for RAR is compatible with Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP SP2, Windows 2003, Windows Vista.

Download Rar Recovery Toolbox V.

mardi 17 mai 2011

Semi Auto Generated Content For Blogspot - AGC

At this opportunity I will share some tips for bloggers who my friends again lazy or do not have much time to write and posts. In accordance with the post title "Semi-Generated Content"which can be defined by half of the "Auto Generated Content (AGC)". The point is that we only need to edit some posts that secata automatically entered in the "Entry List" Blog each of us. The following equipment temen blogger must provide:

1. Blogger Account 
In this case must be clear Semi-Generated Content blogs that will be friends for the theme and contents where [Themes Blog]

2. Yahoomail Account 
Used as a source of articles which will automatically fill in the "dafta entry" Blog Semi-Generated Content us.

The steps are as follows:

1. Create a blog with a specific theme, for example, about "Islam"

2. On the tab "settings" select sub menu "email and cellular" like the image below:

3. At the option of posting input the email address which you wish, this email is a subdomain of the Google Email,, you can see in the image. In the picture above it is rppsilab google mail [at] with the email I fill sub arimatematika. So his email is rppsilab.arimatematika [at] Please note at the bottom of the image above check "save the email as an entry concept" for our trim before published. [This is what I mean by Semi-Generated Content For Blogspot, articles entered automatically, but will still need to edit manually so neat when we show in the posting.

4. After that you stay at a UK join yahoogroups with YahooMail account that already friends created. [More and more groups which followed, more and more articles which get listed in our blog entries]. Join the groups distinguished according to the theme Generated Content Blog Semi-be brother made. When you join fill in the email reply we have created in step 3. See screen shoot below:

Just imagine in which a relatively short time, a list of my blog entries reach 346 postings list. Can see the screenshot below on my blog titled "READ" which I started from 05th February 2011.

But this blog is not I manage it well, because I want my blog which focus on free software, blogging must focus and should focus into writing original content that would be better. May be useful:) Good luck..!!

samedi 7 mai 2011

How To Hacking Wireless

WEP is an encryption scheme, based on RC-4 cipher, which is available on all 802.11a, b and g wireless products. WEP uses a set of bits called a key to scramble information in the data frames as it leaves the access point or client adapter and the scrambled message and then decrypted by the recipient. Both sides must have the same WEP key, which usually total 64 or 128 bits long. A number of semi-random 24 bit is called the Initialization Vector (IV), is part of the key, so that 64 bit WEP key actually contains only 40 bits of the \ "strong \" encryption while a 128 bit key 104. IV is placed in encrypted frame \ 'header, and transmitted in plain text.

Traditionally, cracking WEP keys has been a slow and tedious process. The attacker must capture hundreds of thousands or millions of packets? a process that could take hours or even days, depending on the volume of traffic passing through the wireless network. After enough packets were captured, a WEP cracking program such as Aircrack would be used to find the WEP key.
Basic Directions:
1). Boot from cd
2). Getting the WEP key
3). Write
4). Reboot to windows
5). Connect using the WEP key

Create a buddy who want to hacking the login passwords for free hotspotan can, can use this software to get a username and password hacking hotspot pal who want to .... should not be abused this software ok.

For get This Software Click

How To Break The Password WIRELESS / HOTSPOT

To my friend who want to try to break the password wireless,, yes.. I love the solution so that all can be hot pal spotan gratis.Cukup by using a very small size application called wzcook, then you can break down the Wireless network / hotspot you want . of course that has been paired with a password by pemiliknya.Adapaun wzcook how to use it, you just need a laptop that stores wzcook applications and wireless networks simply running mate certainly wzcook and will automatically search for wireless networks and password, after that you just use an access Wireless is for free ... good luck ..
Get Wzcook Hotspot Hacking

lundi 2 mai 2011

Cara Menyikapi Copy Paste Pada Blog

Coba Anda perhatikan Pernahkah anda mendapati tulisan anda di copy oleh seseorang lalu di publikasikan tanpa izin di blog lain? Saya tahu perasaan anda: kesal, marah dan murka bercampur menjadi satu mengingat banyaknya waktu dan perhatian yang anda curahkan untuk membuat tulisan tersebut yang lalu dicopy-paste oleh orang lain tanpa izin.

Penjarahan intelektual dengan cara mengcopy paste konten blog tanpa izin bukan barang baru lagi di blogosphere. Saya tahu betapa menyebalkannya di-copypaste, mengingat sudah seringkali tulisan-tulisan saya (baik di bloggingly atau di blog lain) di publikasikan ulang di berbagai blog tanpa izin.

Mengapa copy paste tulisan blog seperti ini terjadi?

Pendapat saya, setidaknya ada dua penyebab mengapa hal ini terjadi:

   1. Yang pertama adalah ketidaktahuan. Jangan salah, masih banyak orang yang menyangka bahwa semua yang tersedia di internet itu “gratis” dan “dapat digunakan semau mereka”. Salahkan keterbatasan penyebaran informasi dan edukasi di dunia.
   2. Yang kedua adalah kesengajaan. Sederhana saja: berapa banyak dari anda yang tahu bahwa menggunakan OS bajakan itu salah dan tetap melakukannya? Bagaimana pola pikir anda? “aah, siapa juga sih yang mempermasalahkan…?”, huh?

It sucks, i know

Apapun alasannya, kemudahan mengolah informasi secara digital memang mempermudah copy paste tulisan terjadi. Jangankan tulisan, software yang rumit saja bisa dan banyak dibajak. Menyikapi hal ini, ada dua opsi yang tersedia: mencaci maki dan menyalahkan dunia, atau menyadari bahwa dunia (dan budaya serta perilaku manusia) memang sudah berubah.
Bagaimana menyikapi pembajakan tulisan blog?

Setidaknya, anda memiliki dua opsi: memproteksi atau “melepaskan” konten anda.

Yang saya maksud dengan memproteksi konten adalah melakukan segala daya dan upaya untuk menjaga konten ada agar tidak bisa di-copypaste (meskipun secara teknis saya merasa hal tersebut mustahil – seperti hacking, selalu saja ada cara).

Ada beberapa cara yang dapat anda upayakan seperti mendisable klik kanan dengan memasang sedikit kode JavaScript (untuk mencegah klik kanan copy & paste) di blog anda, membubuhkan watermark pada tiap gambar / foto, mengatur agar RSS Feed anda dipublikasikan secara parsial untuk menghindari publikasi ulang RSS Feed, dll.

Sedangkan yang saya maksud dengan “melepaskan” konten anda adalah dengan tidak melakukan upaya-upaya diatas. Malahan, lakukan hal yang sebaliknya: permudah orang lain dalam membaca tulisan anda. Mensubmit blog ke agregator, merilis tulisan RSS Feed secara penuh, Mengizinkan orang lain mempublikasikan ulang tulisan anda tanpa perlu meminta izin terlebih dahulu, dll.

Saya tahu hal ini terdengar baru untuk anda. “Gila, gue udah susah-susah nulis masa orang boleh publish ulang semaunya?“. Oke, ini mungkin agak “nyeleneh”, tapi saya rasa anda perlu membaca wacana mengenai uncopyright and minimalist mindset: mengizinkan siapapun menggunakan apa yang anda tulis. Konsep ini saya pertama ketahui dari Leo Babauta, seorang blogger asal kepulauan Guam (sekarang dia pindah ke San Fransisco) yang mengaplikasikan uncopyright dan membuat blognya menjadi sangat populer dalam waktu kurang dari 3 tahun.
Bagaimana saya menyikapi copy paste

Sekarang masuk ke dalam ke bagian yang lebih praktikal dan personal: bagaimana saya menyikapi copy paste?

Oke, saya harus katakan ini: saya tidak (atau mungkin, belum) se”liberal” Leo Babauta dan uncopyrightnya, tapi saya sudah tidak terlalu memperdulikan lagi para pelaku copy paste.

Pertama kali tulisan saya di copy paste, saya menulis “komentar pedas” di artikel saya yang di-copy paste, meminta yang empunya blog setidaknya menautkan link ke artikel asli. Lama kelamaan, orang yang melakukan copy paste semakin banyak (sekarang sudah jarang lagi sih) dan saya mulai menyadari bahwa hal ini membuang-buang waktu saya. Daripada saya menggunakan waktu saya untuk mengurusi artikel saya yang di-copypaste, lebih baik saya fokus menggunakan waktu saya utuk membuat artikel yang lebih bermutu.

Ingat ini:

    orang bisa saja meng-copypaste tulisan anda, tapi mereka tidak akan bisa mencuri integritas dan pengetahuan yang anda dapatkan karena proses penulisan artikel yang anda lalui.

Berangkat dari keyakinan tersebut, saya sekarang tidak terlalu memusingkan diri saya dengan masalah copy paste. Namun, saya melakukan beberapa “trik” sederhana terhadap tulisan-tulisan saya:

   1. Karena saya tidak suka di copypaste, saya tidak pernah meng-copypaste tulisan orang lain. Ingat peraturan emasnya? Perlakukan orang lain seperti anda ingin diperlakukan.
   2. Menulis dengan bahasa yang “saya banget”. Sehingga orang akan tahu bahwa itu tulisan saya. (pada prakteknya akan sangat sulit sih, jadi, tulis saja!)
   3. Menyelipkan link ke artikel-artikel saya yang relevan (jika ada). Sehingga jika di-copypaste dan dipublikasikan di blog lain pun, setidaknya anda mendapatkan backlink. Lumayan untuk search engine indexing :D
   4. Jika ada gambar yang berupa ilustrasi, bubuhkan watermark

Yap, itu saja sih yang saya lakukan untuk mengatasi copy paste. Bagaimana dengan anda? Apa pendapat anda dan apa yang anda lakukan untuk menangani copy paste?